PASSNJ · 2002 Lincoln Drive West, Suite A · Marlton, NJ 08053
Telephone: (856) 273-8000 · Fax: (856) 273-6408
Practice Status:

Hours of Operation
vary according to service needed and approximate the following:
8AM - 5PM
8AM - 8PM
8AM - 1PM
8AM - 5PM
Fri, Sat, Sun:
By Special Arrangement Only

Court Ordered Evaluation Services
The staff at PASSNJ provide hundreds of court ordered evaluations a year: for attorneys and their clients as well as state and other agencies. Dr. Baruch is Board Certified in Psychiatry, ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) Certified and Certified by The American Board of Forensic Examiners. Our staff can handle most legal issues requiring a psychiatrist or addiction specialist. Evaluations are done in a timely fashion and can be done on an urgent basis if needed. We will work with your attorney to meet your needs.
Substance Abuse evaluations
Psychiatric Evaluations
Competency evaluations and capacity to make decisions.
Expungement of Psychiatric Records
Permits and Second Amendment Rights
Child Custody
Ability to Parent
Return to School
Return to Work
Psychiatric Chart Review
Addiction Chart Review
Divorce Issues
PASSNJ · 2002 Lincoln Drive West, Suite A · Marlton, NJ 08053
Telephone: (856) 273-8000 · Fax: (856) 273-6408
site designed and maintained by aldrich consulting services, inc.